Capitol Rideshare has launched an interactive commute solution on the RideAmigos transportation demand management (TDM) platform. State employees can sign up for an account at CapitolRideshare.RideAmigos.com. Employees must use their work email addresses to create an account. Your Capitol Rideshare RideAmigos account unlocks trip planning tools, commute tracking, contests and more! RideAmigos now powers several Capitol Rideshare programs, including Commuter Club, carpool parking and ride-matching services.
Main navigation
Signing up
New users must sign up from the home page. Click on the Getting Started button, which will take you to a log-in screen. Existing users enter their email address and password. New users can sign up for an account by entering their first and last names, email address and a password. From there, you will be prompted to add basic information that will build your user profile. This includes your home address and your work address. The system will validate the addresses. In the next screen, you will connect to your network through drop-down menus for your agency name and location where you work. You must also include your EIN in the employee ID field. If you have a bus pass and you want to include the pass number, you can do it from this screen. Click on the box that indicates you will abide by the linked terms and conditions, then click on the register button. One you have set up your RideAmigos account, you can download the RideAmigos Commuter Tracker app on your smartphone and connect it to your RideAmigos account using the PIN available under your profile/connected apps setting (tutorial video).
Instructional Video
RideAmigos FAQs
The link below will provide you with answers to frequently asked questions, including instructions for signing up, logging in and resetting your password. The FAQs also provide instructions for navigating the platform's features, such as trip planning, ride matching and trip logging.
RideAmigos Academy
Once you have signed up, be sure to check out the user guides and other helpful information at the RideAmigos Academy website.
Trip Planning and Ride Matching
Having a RideAmigos account will allow you to review your available options for commuting to and from work--and for trip planning while at work. This includes transit and pooling options as well as biking and walking. The interactive trip planner also allows you to review traffic conditions when choosing a mode and a route.
RideAmigos offers the ability to find a carpool partner based on the employee’s work schedule and route. Because the Capitol Rideshare RideAmigos network is available exclusively to state employees, the potential carpool partners are other state employees.
Trip Logging: visualize savings and earn points to enter contests!
Each alternate mode trip you log earns points; alternate modes include carpool, vanpool, transit, compressed work week, hybrid or electric vehicle, bike, walking or telework. You can redeem your points for contest entries. Once you have at least 100 points, scroll to the bottom of your dashboard to your My Rewards section. Click on RideAmigos Sign Up and Trip Logging Points. Under your points total, click on Show Details and Inventory. The dashboard expands to show you the awards available to you and the points required to enter the drawing. Click on the drawing you wish to enter. If you have the points available, you can redeem points for up to three entries. Example: If you have a points balance of 300 and each entry is 100 points, you can redeem the balance of your points for three drawing entries.